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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

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Title Screen

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Also known as: Zelda no Densetsu: Skyward Sword (JP)
Released in JP: November 23, 2011
Released in US: November 20, 2011
Released in EU: November 18, 2011
Released in AU: November 24, 2011
Released in KR: November 24, 2011

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

ProtoIcon.pngThis game has a prototype article

This time, Link lives in a huge floating island known as Skyloft, Zelda is no longer a princess, and the controls are based on Wii Motion Plus gestures.


  • 1 Subpages

  • 2 Unused Areas (?)

  • 3 Unused Rooms

    • 3.1 Demo

  • 4 Unused Graphics

    • 4.1 Unused Textures

    • 4.2 Test and Dummy Textures

    • 4.3 Unused Models and Animations

      • 4.3.1 Karane

      • 4.3.2 Ghirahim

  • 5 Unused Text

  • 6 Regional Differences


SS OOB sample.png

Out of Bound Objects
Out-of-bounds Bird Statues, chests, and more!

Unused Areas (?)

This unused area is accessible by using the Action Replay/Gecko codes for "Moonjump" and "Levitation".

By starting at Lanayru Desert (Zone: Temple of Time) (F300_4) and using moonjump to bypass the cliff to go into Lanayru Desert, you will stay in F300_4 but be placed in an early version of Lanayru Desert. Alternately, this same area can be accessed by using "Back in Time" glitches, as can be seen in this video.

F300_4 (Lanayru Desert - Temple of Time) F300 (Lanayru Desert)
SS UnusedArea1.png SS UnusedArea1 Final.png

A wall behind the bird statue is visible, which does not appear in the used Lanayru Desert map, as the Timeshift Stone isn't present.

LoZSS - Strange Corridor.jpg

This strange corridor is located between Lanayru Desert & Temple of Time (F300 and F300_4).
This area can also be accessed using moonjump.

(Source: Sanitarium026)

Unused Rooms


TLoZSS RoomDemo.pngSkyward Sword demo map.png

There's a simple test map in the game. It's just a square room, with no ceiling. The floor's patterned with a grass-like texture with "Lawn_0" written on it, and the walls with a stone/steel texture with "Stone_2" written on them. These textures are presented below. Also below is a video of this test room:

SS Lawn 0.pngSS Stone 2.png

This room contains an actors setup (13) which enables the end credits of the game. The file that contains the actors setup is "Demo_stg_l13.arc.LZ".

"F405" which is used to the first cutscene of The Imprisoned has the same collision as "Demo".


To do:
Make codes for the other regions

Version Code
045B4DE0 44656D6F

045B4E0C 44656D6F

(Source: Dark Linkaël (Codes EU))

Unused Graphics

Unused Textures

Skyward Sword punching bag.png

Groose has a punching bag with a drawing of Link's face on it. In the game, that drawing depicts homely Link, with casual clothing (right). This texture is found in StageF001F001r_stg_l0.arcoarcDecoC.arcg3dmodel.brres (punching bag's model). However, in StageF001F001r_stg_l0.arcg3dstage.brres (general Academy textures) there's an unused texture for a punching bag drawing depicting Link with his uniform's hood on (left). It's unlikely the drawing was meant to change mid-story. A placeholder drawing was probably made first, featuring the character they had at the time — uniform Link — until it was later changed to homely Link, to fit with the actual storyline.

Groose painting LQ.png

An aliased version of Groose's painting's texture, seen on the left, exists in StageF001F001r_stg_l0.arcoarcPaint.arcg3dmodel.brres (files regarding paintings). It looks a bit worse than the one on the right. The latter is in the same file, and it's called tanen[1] for some reason, but there's another copy of the first one in StageF001F001r_stg_l0.arcg3dstage.brres, the file with almost all other Academy textures. It's likely that the one on the right is the one that's used, but that is yet to be confirmed.

Test and Dummy Textures

Skyward Sword harp disc texture.png
Skyward Sword harp disc.png

A model of a disc, probably belonging to the harp platform in the Tower of Light, exists in StageF000F000_stg_l4.arcoarcSwitchHarp.arcg3dmodel.brres. Its texture is half of the Triforce symbol, with "TEST" written on the side.

Skyward Sword BirdEgg.png

Found in StageF000F000_stg_l15.arcoarcDemo05_01.arcg3dmodel.brresTexturesBirdEgg, this texture has 仮(kari), or "temporary", written on it.

Skyward Sword SampleTexture.png

The Imprisoned's scales use a small texture with the text "SAMPLE TEXT" in StageF000F000_stg_l21.arcoarcDemo03_02.arcg3dmodel.brres

Skyward Sword Gabeora dummy.png

Gaebora's naked model (that luckily ends by the waist), has a really tiny dummy texture in the "eyes" category.

Skyward Sword col tree.png

Amidst Beedle's Airshop's textures, in StageF002rF002r_stg_l0.arcg3dstage.brres is this one, named col_tree. The texture only has the Japanese word for tree, 木(ki), written on it.

SS StageF000Water1.png
Skyward Sword Skyloft DummyWater.png

"DummyWater", found in Skyloft's textures, in StageF000F000_stg_l0.arcg3dstage.brresTextures. These textures are visible on a 3D model of Skyloft Lake.

Skyward Sword WaterFF.png

Found inside StageF001F001_stg_l0.arcg3dstage.brresTextures is this small blue texture with what seems to be an arrow.

Unused Models and Animations


To do:
Talk about the Black Stone and upload a picture.


The looping section plays twice on this gif. Also, never mind the eyes.

Karane has animations for when she's being blown by the Gust Bellows. You can't use items indoors, and she's only outdoors before you obtain that item.



To do:
Rip the animation, take a video, or take a screenshot.

In the final battle with Ghirahim, and with the use of hacks, the player can battle Ghirahim on the spiral area in the Sealed Grounds. Hanging on an edge will cause Ghirahim to begin an animation in which he shrugs and proceeds to step on Link's hands, causing him to fall.

Unused Text

Bird Riding
Boss Battle

The E3 demo had the options in the file selection screen replaced with options for each of the three modes featured in the demo. Text for it remains in the final version, translated in all available languages. On a related note, said demo has the entire text from the final version, along with the full soundtrack.

Well, here's 9 900 rupees. You've pretty much cleared me out!

This was supposed to be said by the Thunder Dragon when you defeat 13 bosses. However, there are only 12 bosses on the Boss Rush mode.

Regional Differences


To do:
There's apparently more. For example, the codenames for Scervo and Dreadfuse were inexplicably changed for the North American release according to Zelda Wiki.

Unlike in The Wind Waker, all of the (minor) voice acting remains the same as in the Japanese version. The Japanese text is also centered, like it has always been the case since Ocarina of Time (but not in the GBA games). It scrolls considerably faster than in the localized versions, as seen in some speedruns.

Also, some text differences can be found.

Europe US
Oral tradition, one of

the least reliable methods of

information retention and transmission.
Ah yes, the oral tradition, one of

the least reliable methods of information

retention and transmission.

It is unknown why this change was made. The presence of a run-on sentence in the North American release suggests it may be the version written first, with the text cleaned up by the European localizers.

Europe US
You got the Goddess' Harp! But now is
not the time to give it a close examination!
You got the Goddess' Harp!
But there's no time to admire it!

...Technically there is time to admire it, just not now.

It's possible that both of these differences are due to translators interpreting the original Japanese differently. In this case, it would seem that the European translation is more literal than the North American version.

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