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Jack Bros.

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Jack Bros.

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Title Screen

Jack Bros.

Also known as: Jack Bros. no Meiro de Hiihoo! (JP)
Virtual Boy
Released in JP: September 29, 1995
Released in US: October 1995

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.


To do:
regional difference

Jack Bros. is the first-ever localized title from the Megami Tensei series, although with the usual NoA censorship (Jack the Ripper was renamed Jack Skelton, among other story changes). Unfortunately, it was on a doomed platform, which meant no more localizations...for a while.

Sound Test

Jack Bros Sound Test.png

In the Japanese version, a sound test can be accessed with the following button combination with the left D-Pad, on the title screen: Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down.

It is dummied out in the US version, as the function associated at address 0x1218 doesn't detect the language byte at 0x0004 as 0x00 (Japanese mode). There are patches to re-enable it, albeit with untranslated entries.

Debug Mode

Entering the following combinations with the D-Pad on any retail version will enable a Full Map View mode, a map viewer:

  • Enable: Up, Left, Down, Right

  • Disable: Up, Right, Down, Left

The address 0x0000 has been set to 0x00, disabling the debugging features in all regions. It can be re-enabled with the debug patch below. Entering the following on the title screen with the left D-Pad will enable some of these features:

  • Floor Select Menu - Level Select. Press Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Left, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right to access.

Jack Bros Floor Select.png

  • Muteki Select Menu - set invincibility on (muteki) or off (ataru). Press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left to access this menu.

Jack Bros Muteki Select.png

  • Coordinate Display - Press L+Select during gameplay to display the player's coordinates below the timer.

Jack Bros Coordinate Display.png


Download Jack Bros Debug Patch

File: (1KB) (info)

(Source: planetvb)

Retrieved from ""

Navigation menu

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