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Revision history of "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (Windows)"

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Revision history of "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (Windows)"

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

  • (cur | prev)09:01, 23 January 2017‎ Eugene Squarex (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,845 bytes) (+1). . (→‎Unused Font) (Tag: visualeditor)

  • (cur | prev)01:40, 16 June 2016‎ Bennettisawesome (Talk | contribs). . (1,844 bytes) (+93)

  • (cur | prev)00:05, 20 November 2015‎ Robotortoise (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,751 bytes) (+71). . (→‎Unused Graphics: formatting)

  • (cur | prev)17:04, 18 September 2015‎ Frost1620 (Talk | contribs). . (1,680 bytes) (+139)

  • (cur | prev)19:16, 17 July 2015‎ Eientei95 (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,541 bytes) (-10). . (→‎Unused Sounds)

  • (cur | prev)19:14, 17 July 2015‎ Donetsu52 (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,551 bytes) (+256). . (Kinda giving a bit of detail on the soundtest.sbv file. Also added linking to the console version in the description.)

  • (cur | prev)03:28, 15 August 2014‎ BMF54123 (Talk | contribs). . (1,295 bytes) (-64). . (Undo revision 230461 by SandyBalls (talk) not really necessary, it might just be a bug of whatever was used to view the model)

  • (cur | prev)03:25, 15 August 2014‎ SandyBalls (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,359 bytes) (+64). . (I saw what I thought was Patrick's tongue under his mouth, and I put "Also, it seems like Patrick's tongue's below his mouth. Creepy.")

  • (cur | prev)09:41, 19 June 2014‎ Lemurboy12 (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,295 bytes) (0). . (Lemurboy12 moved page The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (PC) to The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (Windows))

  • (cur | prev)09:41, 19 June 2014‎ Lemurboy12 (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,295 bytes) (+5)

  • (cur | prev)19:59, 12 April 2014‎ Chaossy (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,290 bytes) (-56). . (removed todo)

  • (cur | prev)17:49, 10 April 2014‎ AquaBat (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,346 bytes) (0). . (I'll get on replacing these images)

  • (cur | prev)09:43, 10 April 2014‎ Chaossy (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,346 bytes) (+24). . (→‎Chapter Select: Was missing a big part on how to access it)

  • (cur | prev)09:37, 26 March 2014‎ Rightman (Talk | contribs). . (1,322 bytes) (+6). . (→‎Unused Sounds)

  • (cur | prev)16:13, 12 March 2014‎ Lemurboy12 (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,316 bytes) (-57). . (→‎Patrick's Underpants: that's just part of the model)

  • (cur | prev)14:39, 12 March 2014‎ DJCora (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,373 bytes) (-5). . (→‎Patrick's Underpants)

  • (cur | prev)14:38, 12 March 2014‎ DJCora (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,378 bytes) (+62). . (→‎Patrick's Underpants)

  • (cur | prev)16:27, 27 November 2013‎ BMF54123 (Talk | contribs). . (1,316 bytes) (-179). . (→‎Missing Text: this section makes no sense; someone can readd it later if they feel like actually explaining what it is)

  • (cur | prev)16:23, 27 November 2013‎ Chaossy (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,495 bytes) (+15). . (It's always nice when you see a classic game in your hard drive when it's needed for a TCRF article, i'll get more pics now.)

  • (cur | prev)21:34, 22 November 2013‎ BMF54123 (Talk | contribs). . (1,480 bytes) (-19). . (wrong tag)

  • (cur | prev)22:45, 16 November 2013‎ Sushimon2001 (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,499 bytes) (+68)

  • (cur | prev)17:04, 16 November 2013‎ AquaBat (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,431 bytes) (+106)

  • (cur | prev)16:59, 16 November 2013‎ AquaBat (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,325 bytes) (+14). . (Is this a regional difference or what?)

  • (cur | prev)15:57, 16 November 2013‎ Lemurboy12 (Talk | contribs). . (1,311 bytes) (-45). . (→‎Unused Graphics)

  • (cur | prev)15:01, 16 November 2013‎ AquaBat (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,356 bytes) (+179)

  • (cur | prev)14:58, 16 November 2013‎ AquaBat (Talk | contribs). . (1,177 bytes) (+8). . (Must...not...add...{{sucks}}...)

  • (cur | prev)14:49, 16 November 2013‎ SunakazeKun (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,169 bytes) (-40). . (→‎Patricks pants)

  • (cur | prev)14:05, 16 November 2013‎ SunakazeKun (Talk | contribs). . (1,209 bytes) (+12). . (→‎Patricks pants)

  • (cur | prev)14:02, 16 November 2013‎ SunakazeKun (Talk | contribs). . (1,197 bytes) (+191)

  • (cur | prev)04:17, 2 November 2013‎ SunakazeKun (Talk | contribs). . (1,006 bytes) (+1)

  • (cur | prev)04:16, 2 November 2013‎ Eientei95 (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,005 bytes) (+4). . (almost, but whoops)

  • (cur | prev)04:15, 2 November 2013‎ SunakazeKun (Talk | contribs). . (1,001 bytes) (-1)

  • (cur | prev)16:11, 1 November 2013‎ Eientei95 (Talk | contribs)m . . (1,002 bytes) (+43)

  • (cur | prev)16:08, 1 November 2013‎ Eientei95 (Talk | contribs)m . . (959 bytes) (+55)

  • (cur | prev)16:05, 1 November 2013‎ Eientei95 (Talk | contribs)m . . (904 bytes) (0). . (Einstein95 moved page SpongeBob SquarePants: The Movie (PC) to The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (PC))

  • (cur | prev)11:28, 1 November 2013‎ SunakazeKun (Talk | contribs). . (904 bytes) (-8)

  • (cur | prev)09:30, 1 November 2013‎ Lemurboy12 (Talk | contribs)m . . (912 bytes) (+124)

  • (cur | prev)06:51, 1 November 2013‎ SunakazeKun (Talk | contribs). . (788 bytes) (+45)

  • (cur | prev)06:15, 1 November 2013‎ SunakazeKun (Talk | contribs). . (743 bytes) (+743). . (Created page with "{{Bob | bobscreen= SS_TMPC_Title.png | screenwidth = 300px | developer = AWE Games | publisher = THQ | systems = {{system|PC}} | usa = | eur = | sound = yes | debug ...")

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