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Rampage: World Tour (Game Boy Color)

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Rampage: World Tour (Game Boy Color)

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Title Screen

Rampage: World Tour

Digital Eclipse
Midway Games
Platforms: Game Boy,
Game Boy Color
Released in US: December 1998
Released in EU: 1998

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Hidden Multiplayer Mode

Rampage World Tour's hidden two-player mode in the main menu.A screenshot of Rampage World Tour's hidden two-player monster select menu.A screenshot of Rampage World Tour's hidden two-player gameplay.

To enable Two-Player link cable multiplayer, hold Select and enter Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Up at the main menu. Two copies of the game and a link cable are required. Note that there are minor graphical and audio glitches. Rampage World Tour's Game Boy Color sequel, Rampage 2: Universal Tour, went on to prominently feature 2-player gameplay, so World Tour's 2-player was likely a test for the sequel.

Unused Text

The string Start at level: is stored at addresses $3C62E, $3C8D7, and $49337, hinting at a level select option. It is not known if this can be accessed, and may have been dummied out.

Retrieved from ""

Navigation menu

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