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Rampage 2: Universal Tour (Nintendo 64)

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Rampage 2: Universal Tour (Nintendo 64)

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Title Screen

Rampage 2: Universal Tour

Avalanche Software
Publishers: Midway Games (US),
GT Interactive (EU)
Nintendo 64
Released in US: March 1999
Released in EU: May 21, 1999

SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

The third entry (despite being the sequel of Rampage World Tour) in the Rampage series.

Oh no! Not again! They're on a RAMPAGE!!!

Cheat Menu

Rampage 2 Universal Tour N64 Cheat Menu.png

Enter BVGGY as a password, then enter the options menu to access a cheat menu containing a level select and sound test, as well as toggles for damage and lives.

Unused sounds

There are leftovers from Rampage World Tour that can be only heard on the sound test listed above.

Four breaking sounds.

The tune from the introduction when starting the game.

Retrieved from ""

Navigation menu

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