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Minecraft: Java Edition

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Minecraft: Java Edition

From The Cutting Room Floor

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Title Screen

Minecraft: Java Edition

Mojang AB
Mojang AB
Platforms: Windows,
Mac OS X,
Released internationally: November 18, 2011

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.pngThis game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.pngThis game has a prerelease article


This page sucks.
If you could make it suck less, that would be awesome.
Specifically: Really unfinished. Just look at the todo below!

<Sanky> please suggest an unused sprite with a clock or something

This game is still under active development.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary!

Minecraft is an indie survival-sandbox game created by Markus Persson, also known as Notch. Maybe you've heard of it? With the release of the Better Together Update of Pocket Edition, unifying the iOS, Android, Xbox One, etc. versions of the game, the original release is now known as Minecraft: Java Edition.


To do:

  • Add all of the unused content from the 1.8 snapshots and earlier versions of the game.

  • Is Minecraft 2.0 worth documenting?

  • Document the massive amount of revisional differences this game has.


  • 1 Sub-Pages

  • 2 Unused Blocks

    • 2.1 Legacy TNT

  • 3 Unused Biomes

    • 3.1 FrozenOcean

    • 3.2 Extreme Hills Edge

  • 4 Unused Mobs

    • 4.1 Giant

    • 4.2 Killer Bunny

    • 4.3 Wither Jockey

    • 4.4 Illusioner

  • 5 Unused Particles

  • 6 deadmau5 Camera

    • 6.1 Controls

  • 7 Unused Items

  • 8 Unused Potion Effects

  • 9 Unused Sounds

    • 9.1 Audio loops

    • 9.2 Silverfish walking sounds

    • 9.3 Misc

  • 10 Easter Eggs

    • 10.1 Splash Text Error Checking

    • 10.2 Minceraft?

    • 10.3 Upside-Down Mobs

    • 10.4 Rainbow Sheep

    • 10.5 Toast Rabbit

    • 10.6 Party Parrots



Unused Graphics
The rarest ore of all!


Version Differences
Watch out for advercows.


Unused Text
This message will never appear, isn't that weird?


Removed Content
Things that were once in the game that are now not.


Debugging Material

Unused Blocks

Legacy TNT

In early versions of the game, all you had to do to ignite a block of TNT was to simply punch the block. However, in Beta 1.7, TNT was changed so that it would only be activated by redstone, another explosion next to it, or Flint and Steel. However, the old TNT still exists in the game as the unstable block state of the modern TNT. It does not have an item form, and must be placed using the command /setblock ~ ~ ~ tnt[unstable=true].

Prior to the removal of metadata in 1.13, the block existed as data value 1 of TNT and could be placed using the command /setblock ~ ~ ~ tnt 1. In 1.13, it was removed, but was reimplemented in 1.13.1 using the unstable state.

Unused Biomes

There are two unused biomes in the game that haven't appeared in default worlds since 13w36a. The biomes can only be accessed by creating a Customized world.


A variant of the ocean biome that has frozen over with a layer of ice blocks. Warmer rivers occasionally appear running through it.

A new biome in version 1.13 was added, also named Frozen Ocean. Generation in this biome is different than in the unused one.

FrozenOcean biome

Extreme Hills Edge

A sub-biome that is supposed to appear at the edge of Extreme Hills biomes.

Extreme Hills Edge biome

Unused Mobs


If you hack a monster spawner to spawn giants, you'll realize that the model's gigantic size won't even fit inside the spawner.

A huge Zombie that has a massive amount of health and deals a ton of damage. As fearsome as this foe may seem, it has absolutely no AI. Have fun wailing on his legs!

Giants were added in the last version of Survival Test but never implemented. They are coded to spawn in a light level both greater than 11 and less than 8, effectively making them unable to spawn naturally and see the light of day.

Interestingly, Giants will only take damage when their legs are attacked; their hitbox doesn't cover their whole body.

Since 1.7, they have been spawnable using the command "/summon giant".

Killer Bunny


This killer bunny is a hostile variant of a rabbit. It can be spawned with the command "/summon rabbit ~ ~ ~ {RabbitType:99}".

Despite being hostile, it does not despawn on peaceful difficulty and will still attack.

Wither Jockey


While technically used, it's extremely unlikely to encounter this mob in a normal playthrough. If a spider is spawned in the Nether, there is a very rare chance that it will spawn with a Wither Skeleton riding it. Because they don't normally spawn in the area, spiders must be obtained via summon commands or (rarely) by using a spider spawn egg in the nether to see this rare mob.

(Source: Minecraft Wiki)



An unused hostile mob added in 1.12. It is one of the three illagers. It wields a bow that has an 8.5% drop rate. It will drop with a random durability. It attacks with its bow and spells with a range of 12 blocks. It can cast blindness (if the regional difficulty is more than 2) that lasts 20 seconds and it can summon duplicates. When duplicating, it makes itself invisible and summons 4 fake illusioners. They move with the real one and can even go through walls. If the real one attacks, they will only make an attacking animation. They will disappear when the real one dies or the invisibility runs out. They can also shoot their bow like a skeleton.

Unused Particles

These particles can only be spawned using the "/particle" command.



Was used when close to the void, but removed for performance. The particle was removed entirely in 1.13.


Not used in-game, but can be activated with commands. This was also removed in 1.13, although the texture still exists.


Used as an early explosion effect.

Used internally for the item pickup animation, but does nothing when spawned using commands. Removed in 1.13.

(Source: Minecraft Wiki (Images))

deadmau5 Camera

While technically used, but only under special circumstances, there is a special set of camera debugging options enabled in versions 1.9pre5 and 12w08a that were only intended for use at deadmau5 concerts. In versions after 1.9pre5 and 12w08a, these options are disabled by default, but can be enabled by using a mod to reactivate the features. In the code, these features are referred to as "debugCam".


  • F5 causes the camera to go into a free-look mode.

  • F9 freezes the camera in place. Pressing any two functionally connected keys (except U and O) at the same time unfreezes the camera.

  • I, J, K, and L all rotate the camera up, left, down, and right respectively.

  • U and O move the camera forwards and backwards.

  • Y and H change the field of view. Pressing these keys at the same time resets the FOV.

  • N and M change the camera's tilt. B resets the tilt.

Unused Items

Uncraftable Potion
A potion that cannot be crafted. It has no effects.
/give @p minecraft:potion 1 0 {Potion:"minecraft:empty"}
Tattered Book
In 14w05a, Minecraft introduced book generations. There are four in the game; three used ones and this unused one.
/give @p written_book 1 0 {generation:3}
Spawn Eggs
In 1.1, edited eggs for Snow Golems, Ender Dragons, XP orbs, Ender Crystals, Giants, and other "unspawnable" mobs/entities produced mobs of their types. This is not possible in newer versions, as egg types are restricted to only those present in the creative mode inventory.

Unused Potion Effects

There are many potion effects in Minecraft, and some of them don't correspond to any existing potion or item. Some of them don't even have their effects properly implemented! However, all of them have have the names of their corresponding potions defined in the language files. As of version 1.5, they can be obtained with the /effect command, using the appropriate effect IDs.



Blue-eyed white cats are more probably blind?

A thick black fog is created around the player, and they cannot sprint or perform critical hits. Also, in most computers, combined with Night Vision the screen will be pitch black.

Health Boost


Adds one heart to the health bar. It was later replaced by the Absorption (ID: 22) effect.

No Icon
Refills the hunger bar by one unit per tick.

Bad Luck


Does the opposite of the Luck effect.

Unused Sounds

Audio loops

These audio clips are located in a folder of its own called "loops". They seem to have been intended to be ambience for when a player is in a certain area.

Birds chirping

Cave chimes


Silverfish walking sounds


Ghast affectionate scream


Successful hit

Wolf Howl 1

Wolf Howl 2

Easter Eggs

Splash Text Error Checking

I'll give you three guesses as to what the reference is, and the first two don't count.

If the game detects that splashes.txt (the file containing the randomly-selected yellow text that is displayed on the title screen) is missing or empty, or has been modified without deleting the META-INF folder, it will use "missingno" as the splash text instead, a reference to a rather infamous glitch.



Very rarely (about one out of every 10,000 startups), the Minecraft logo is rearranged to read "Minceraft" instead of the usual "Minecraft". This is the secret that Notch said was not found yet. In crash logs at times, one may see the text "You should try our sister game, Minceraft!".

(Source: Minecraft Wiki)

Upside-Down Mobs

Minecraft EasterEggs-Dinnerbone.png

Minecraft EasterEggs-Grumm.png

As of 1.6.1, any mobs named Dinnerbone or Grumm (after two of the game's developers) will be rendered upside-down.

Rainbow Sheep

As of 1.7.2, sheep named jeb_ (after one of the main developers) will continuously cycle through all of the possible colors, though this has no effect on the wool blocks they drop when sheared.

Toast Rabbit

As of 1.8, naming a rabbit "Toast" using either a name tag or a named spawn egg will turn it into "Toast". Toast is textured like a black dutch, with a large black & white patch and more black fur around the face than the natural black & white spotted rabbit. Other than its name and skin, Toast behaves exactly like a normal rabbit.

This rabbit is the skin of user xyZenTV's girlfriend's missing rabbit, which Ryan Holtz implemented as a memorial.

Party Parrots

As of snapshot 17w14a, playing a music disc in a jukebox next to a parrot will cause it to change colors (Until 17w15a) and "dance" to the music, a reference to the Party Parrot meme.

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