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Minecraft (Bedrock)

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Minecraft (Bedrock)

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Title Screen


Also known as: Minecraft: Bedrock Edition
Mojang AB
Mojang AB
Platforms: iOS,
Xbox One,
Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: August 16, 2011 (Android), November 17, 2011 (iOS), September 13, 2012 (Fire OS), December 10, 2014 (Windows 10 Mobile), July 29, 2015 (Windows 10), April 27, 2016 (Gear VR), December 19, 2016 (Apple TV and Fire TV), September 20, 2017 (Xbox One), June 21, 2018 (Nintendo Switch)

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

<Sanky> please suggest an unused sprite with a clock or something

This game is still under active development.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary!


To do:
Document all the revisionary differences this game has.

Minecraft is a sister game of the Java version... except it includes micro-transactions, the ability to use your Xbox Live account, controller support, and to top it all off, has cross-platform support. Formerly Pocket Edition, this is now the main version of Minecraft, losing the Pocket Edition subtitle with the Better Together Update.


  • 1 Subpages

  • 2 Removed Content

    • 2.1 Crying Obsidian

    • 2.2 Camera

    • 2.3 Cyan Flower

  • 3 Unobtainable Items

    • 3.1 Nether Reactor Core

    • 3.2 Glowing Obsidian

    • 3.3 Update Game Block

    • 3.4 Fire



Version Differences
There are a lot of differences between several versions.


A demo based on Alpha v2.1 was released to the iOS and Android markets alongside the actual Alpha v2.1.

Removed Content

Crying Obsidian

The Crying Obsidian was originally going to be used in the PC version of Minecraft for setting your spawn point, but was scrapped with the introduction of beds. Its texture was present in Beta 1.3, PC Gamer Demo and 1.4, but was removed in Beta 1.5. However, the texture could still be found in Pocket Edition Alpha 0.6.x and earlier.


This block reserved ID 456.
The Camera allowed players to take snapshots from wherever the item is placed. It was somewhat buggy, though, and the photos taken with it tend to be obscured by the camera's own smoke particles. The texture for its tripod and item texture were replaced with the "chirp" and "blocks" discs respectively in Alpha 0.2.0. It was made invisible with the icon changing to an egg in Alpha 0.8.0 and was removed altogether in Alpha 0.9.0. The item was brought back for 0.14.0 but then removed in 0.16.0, and it is now only used in Education Edition.

Cyan Flower

This flower was replaced with the Poppy in Alpha 0.9.0.

Unobtainable Items

There are several items in the game that can't be obtained normally but can be obtained with inventory editors.

Nether Reactor Core

The correctly built structure in 3D at a 45 degree angle.

This block reserves ID 247.
Before the implementation of the actual Nether, this was the main block required to access a large nether-like tower (made out of netherrack). In order to activate it, you had to place certain blocks at certain areas.

When correctly activated, the time will immediately be set to night, the tower will be made, and Zombie Pigmen as well as other various items will spawn inside it.

It will also say the following in the player chat:

Client message: Activate!

The following are items that are spawned inside the tower.

  • Glowstone Dust

  • Cactus

  • Pumpkin Seeds

  • Wheat Seeds

  • Melon Seeds

  • Sugar Cane

  • Nether Quartz

  • Red Mushroom

  • Brown Mushroom

  • Bowl

After a certain amount of time, the tower will start to decay as shown in this photo.

If the player attempts to use this block without using the proper block pattern, it will say the following in the player chat:

Client message: Not the correct pattern!

For some reason, after the functionality of the block was removed from the game, the textures for the block were updated to use the texture for the Plastic Texture Pack.

Before 0.15.0 After 0.15.0
Minecraft Pocket Reactor Block.png MinecraftPocketEdition-NetherReactorCore-CompareRight.png

Before 0.15.0 After 0.15.0
MinecraftPocketEdition-NetherReactorCore-Active-CompareLeft.png MinecraftPocketEdition-NetherReactorCore-Active-CompareRight.png

Before 0.15.0 After 0.15.0
MinecraftPocketEdition-NetherReactorCore-Used-CompareLeft.png MinecraftPocketEdition-NetherReactorCore-Used-CompareRight.png

Glowing Obsidian

This block reserves ID 246.
Before the implementation of the actual nether, this was block used after the Nether Reactor Core was correctly activated. The certain blocks placed at certain areas would become this block, and then when the tower started to decay, it became regular obsidian.

Update Game Block

The first block reserves ID 248. The second block reserves ID 249. The third block reserves ID 255.
The Update Game Block is a placeholder block added in Pocket Edition Alpha 0.1.3, which uses a modified dirt texture with "update!" written on it in a grass texture. There is also a similar placeholder block that appears to say "ate!upd" which has, since Alpha 0.8.0, been corrected to say "update!". To add to this, there is another variant of the block named "reserved6" that is just a copy of the normal block.


The Fire item in the player's hand.

This block reserves ID 51. When you place it down, the sound that plays is the sounds that wood blocks would make when they are being pressed.

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