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The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night (PlayStation 2, Wii)

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The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night (PlayStation 2, Wii)

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Title Screen

The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

Krome Studios
Sierra Entertainment
Platforms: PlayStation 2,
Released in US: October 2, 2007 (PlayStation 2), October 18, 2007 (Wii)
Released in EU: November 1, 2007 (PlayStation 2), December 6, 2007 (Wii)
Released in AU: November 2, 2007 (PlayStation 2), December 14, 2007 (Wii)

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night is the second entry in the Legend of Spyro series. To compensate for making the combat harder, you can now warp this time to make it "easier".

Note that all of the soundtrack from A New Beginning and the unused graphics are in the files for this game, but it's not worth mentioning here.


  • 1 Debug Options

    • 1.1 Level Select

    • 1.2 Developer Cheats

    • 1.3 Debug Displays

      • 1.3.1 Debug Graph

      • 1.3.2 Collision Overlay

      • 1.3.3 Memory Info

  • 2 Hidden Cheats

  • 3 Graphics

    • 3.1 Unused Logo

    • 3.2 Russian Logo

  • 4 Unused Areas

    • 4.1 Test Maps

      • 4.1.1 test_01.lc3.bni

      • 4.1.2 demo_01.lc3.bni

    • 4.2 Battle Test

    • 4.3 Enemy Testing

      • 4.3.1 enemy-temple_01.lc3.bni

      • 4.3.2 enemy-grove_01.lc3.bni

      • 4.3.3 enemy-caves_01.lc3.bni

      • 4.3.4 enemy-arena_01.lc3.bni

      • 4.3.5 enemy-fortress_01.lc3.bni

  • 5 Developer Text

    • 5.1 MAKE.LANG.VBS

    • 5.2 Tasks.txt

    • 5.3 IgnoredEnemies.txt

  • 6 Unused Voice Clips

    • 6.1 csi_01

    • 6.2 csi_02

    • 6.3 csi_03

Debug Options

A few debug options can be accessed in this game. The codes listed below are only for the PlayStation 2 version of this game. If you plan on activating these codes on a real PlayStation 2, activate the following enable code first. If not, skip this step.

9017DB90 0C05F68C 9017DB50 0C05F67C

Level Select

Like in the previous game, a level select menu is available. The North American version of this level select has all the test maps removed, however these are still present in the European version, which is good for us. In the level select menu for this game, you can access test maps which test different props, enemies, etc. You can re-enable this menu with the following codes. Anything that supports RAW codes such as a CodeBreaker or GameShark will work.

2036BBD4 A4890014 2036BEC4 A4880014

Developer Cheats


With the level select code, you can also access these cheats which gives you invincibility, all the elements, and every cheat changes the level of the elements.

Here's a list of the available cheats.

  • One press: Cheats on - Level 0

  • Two press: Cheats on - Level 1

  • Three press: Cheats on - Level 2

  • Four press: Cheats on - Level MAX

  • Five press: Cheats off

Debug Displays

Just like in the previous game, a few debug displays can be found in this game as well.

Debug Graph

Debug graph display codes:

Version 1
20127070 00000000
20127230 14820003
Version 1
201270B0 00000000
20127258 14830032
Version 2
20127070 00000000
201270D4 00000000
Version 2
201270B0 00000000
20127114 00000000
Version 3
20127070 00000000
201271D0 1060011A
Version 3
201270B0 00000000
20127210 1060011A
Version 4
20127070 00000000
201270D4 00000000
201271DC 14200117
Version 4
201270B0 00000000
20127114 00000000
2012721C 14200117
Version 5
20127070 00000000
201270D4 00000000
201271DC 14200117
2012720C 14830037
Version 5
201270B0 00000000
20127114 00000000
2012721C 14200117
2012724C 14830037
Version 6
20127070 00000000
201270D4 00000000
201271DC 14200117
20127218 14830032
Version 6
201270B0 00000000
20127114 00000000
2012721C 14200117
20127258 14830032
Version 7
20127070 00000000
201270D4 00000000
201271DC 14200117
20127224 1483000F
Version 7
201270B0 00000000
20127114 00000000
2012721C 14200117
20127264 1483000F
Version 8
20127070 00000000
201270D4 00000000
201271DC 14200117
20127248 14400004
Version 8
201270B0 00000000
20127114 00000000
2012721C 14200117
20127270 14820003
Display Everything
20127070 00000000
Display Everything
201270B0 00000000

The above cheat enables a graph in game at all times. When a certain graphic entry gets loaded into memory, it will flash that icon accordingly. When Spyro shoots fire the fire icons will light up and so on. It's unclear what the numbers represent. Version 1 of the above code is how it probably should normally look. Version 6 is also another good one.

Collision Overlay

Enable Spyro collision overlay code:

2014B18C 00000000 2014B1CC 00000000

Memory Info

Enable memory info code:

20123530 14400003 20123500 00000000
2012350C 00000000

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Hidden Cheats

Several cheats never uncovered before can be inputted while inside the pause menu in game. Press the following buttons listed below to enable them.

Button Inputs Reward
L2, R2, R2, L2, Left, Right, Right, Left, L1, R1, L2, R2, Start Unlimited Magic
L2, R2, R2, L2, Left, Right, Right, Left, R2, L2, R1, L1 Start Unlimited Health
L2, R2, R2, L2, Left, Right, Right, Left, R1, L1, L1, R1, Start Unlimited dragon time/slow motion
L2, R2, R2, L2, Left, Right, Right, Left, R1, R2, R2, R1, Start All magic at max. There is no confirmation sound to this cheat.
L2, R2, R2, L2, Left, Right, Right, Left, L2, R2, R2, L2, Start All feathers

(Source: Original TCRF research)


Unused Used
TLOS-TEN-Unused Logo.png TLOS-TEN-Used-Logo.png

There is an unused logo in the files of the game. The colors are more golden instead of silver like on the final version. The font and glow is a bit different as well.


To do:
Actually figure out if this is used in the Russian version


This Russian logo can be found in the games files. It's worth a mention since it completely changes the look of the original Spyro logo. It isn't used in-game, but is seen on the Russian cover for the game.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Areas

There are a few test maps in the game that can be accessed through the hidden level select.

Test Maps


TLOS-TEN-test 01 (1).pngTLOS-TEN-test 01 (2).pngTLOS-TEN-test 01 (3).png

test_01.lc3.bni contains a ton of props all around the map to test different features. There are also dialogue box buttons that test how they work in game.


TLOS-TEN-demo 01 (1).pngTLOS-TEN-demo 01 (2).pngTLOS-TEN-demo 01 (3).pngTLOS-TEN-demo 01 (4).png

Like the map above, this one contains a ton of props. It also tests slopes and different effects.

Battle Test

TLOS-TEN-reset-test.pngTLOS-TEN-reset-test 2.pngTLOS-TEN-reset-test 3.pngTLOS-TEN-reset-test 4.png

The Reset Test option in the level select launches a battle test of some sorts where you need to activate different stuff, kill enemies etc to get to the next stage. There are four stages inside the Reset Test option.

Enemy Testing

There are maps for enemy testing inside the game files. With these you can pretty much every enemy that is supposed to appear in the map. From dogs to assassins. By going on the green button, you can spawn the select enemy. Going on the red button will despawn the enemy. Every single one of these maps take a section from a normal map and puts buttons on it.


TLOS-TEN-enemy-temple 01 (1).pngTLOS-TEN-enemy-temple 01 (2).pngTLOS-TEN-enemy-temple 01 (3).pngTLOS-TEN-enemy-temple 01 (4).png

Temple Enemy Testing.


TLOS-TEN-enemy-grove 01 (1).pngTLOS-TEN-enemy-grove 01 (2).pngTLOS-TEN-enemy-grove 01 (3).png

Ancient Grove Enemy Testing. This map acts as a testing-section for the Ancient Grove part and the Underground Grove part.


TLOS-TEN-enemy-caves 01 (1).pngTLOS-TEN-enemy-caves 01 (2).pngTLOS-TEN-enemy-caves 01 (3).png

Celestial Caves and Dream Sequence enemies testing map.


TLOS-TEN-enemy-arena 01 (1).pngTLOS-TEN-enemy-arena 01 (3).pngTLOS-TEN-enemy-arena 01 (2).png

Pirate Fleet and Fellmuth Arena enemy testing. The third image is an assassin enemy test. One weird side-effect with testing them like that is that you can't breathe fire on them.


TLOS-TEN-ememy-fortress 01 (1).pngTLOS-TEN-ememy-fortress 01 (3).pngTLOS-TEN-ememy-fortress 01 (4).png

Mountain Fortress enemy testing map.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Developer Text


Warren Spence was a production assistant on the project.

'Author: Warren Spence - December 06

Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Dim objXL
Set objXL = WScript.CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objXL.Visible = FALSE

Set objWorkBook = objXL.Workbooks.Open(objShell.CurrentDirectory & "cutscenes.xls")
objWorkBook.SaveAs objShell.CurrentDirectory & "cutscenes.xml", 46 '46 = XML file format
objWorkBook.Close True

Set objWorkBook = objXL.Workbooks.Open(objShell.CurrentDirectory & "names.xls")
objWorkBook.SaveAs objShell.CurrentDirectory & "names.xml", 46 '46 = XML file format
objWorkBook.Close True

Set objWorkBook = objXL.Workbooks.Open(objShell.CurrentDirectory & "translations.xls")
objWorkBook.SaveAs objShell.CurrentDirectory & "translations.xml", 46 '46 = XML file format
objWorkBook.Close True


' now run the batch file to export the text files
objShell.Run "exportlang.bat", 1, True

' remove the XML files
'objShell.Exec "del " & objShell.CurrentDirectory & "cutscenes.xml"
'objShell.Exec "del " & objShell.CurrentDirectory & "names.xml"
'objShell.Exec "del " & objShell.CurrentDirectory & "translations.xml"


1 Spyro Passes Out In Temple                  - File : Temple_env.lv3, Triggered In Prop ID : 316,TriggerBox_04 
2 Spyro Passes Out In Grove - File : (Yet to be triggered)
3 Spyro Passes Out In Arena - File : (Yet to be triggered)
4 Spyro Passes Out In AirShip - File : (Yet to be triggered)
5 Spyro Wakes up From Dream in Temple - File : Temple_02.lv3, Triggered In Prop ID : 473,Cutscene_07
6 Spyro Disables Feather Relic in temple_02 - File : Temple_env, Triggered by ConceptRelic_01
11 1st Dream Sequence Complete - File : Dream_env.lv3, Triggered In Prop ID : 313,TriggerBox_01
12 2nd Dream Sequence Complete - File : Dream_env.lv3, Triggered In Prop ID : 314,TriggerBox_02
13 3rd Dream Sequence Complete - File : Dream_env.lv3, Triggered In Prop ID : 315,TriggerBox_03
14 4th Dream Sequence Complete - File : Dream_env.lv3, Triggered In Prop ID : 316,TriggerBox_04
20 Caves Hub - Finished Fire Trial
21 Caves Hub - Finished Ice Trial
22 Caves Hub - Finished Electricity Trial
23 Caves Hub - Finished Earth trial
24 Caves Hub - Finihsed All Trials
25 Tutorial Task in Caves for displaying Button Crab when player first comes across them.
26 Caves Ice Boss
27 Caves Electricity Boss
28 Caves Fire Boss
29 Caves Earth Boss


// Whatever global.model enemy entries are listed here will be ignored by the automated AnimationTester.exe which
// is run in the Update.bat.
// Note: If one of -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 or -8 is listed after an enemey then, rather than ignoring the enemy
// all together, AnimationTester.exe just ignores that particular test for the enemy.
// '1' tests whether an animation is defined in the .bad but not the .add
// '2' tests whether an animation is defined in the .add but not the .bad
// '3' tests for cycle loop and cycle stop in the animations that require it
// '4' tests whether attacks have the required 'AttackBegin' and 'AttackEnd'
// '5' tests whether the reference points used in the add files exist in m3d
// '6' tests whether subobjects and armour are set up correctly
// '7' tests whether the melee trails are set up correctly if they exist
// '8' tests if .add file has an entry for either ASV_HitKnockdown or ASV_HitFall

DeathHound -4
TempleDeathHound -4
GroveDeathHound -4
CynderDeathHound -4

ConvexTier3 -8
ElecTier2_TEMP -8
MiningMoleLeader -8
RavageRider -8


(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Voice Clips

The file cutscenes.EN.txt has the script for pretty much every cutscene in the game. This also includes a few ton of voice clips that aren't used in the game.

Note that the clips are also translated into the 5 other languages in the PAL version, but they're not worth noting here because y'know... English.

All of the unused voice clips can be found inside the DATA_P2.rkv archive.


Sound File

Hey, wait up!

Get back here!

Where'd you go?

This is awesome!

I never knew!

Thanks for the encouragement.

What kind of sidekick are you?

Don't worry, I'll get it.

Yeah, maybe this flying thing ain't for me.

How's that?

Nooo problem.



Man, this flying thing is exhausting.

Wow, I'm beat.

I can barely stay afloat.

Sparx, I'm about to pass out.

Did I ever mention I was afraid of heights?

Not good, not good!

How the heck do I land?!

Comin' in too fast!

This doens't look good.


Thanks, Mr. Obvious.

Do you think I don't see her?

Pipe down, would ya?

I know, I know.

You're not helping.

Thanks for the encouragement.

One very interesting thing is that the "How's that" line is spelled "How that's" in the script cutscene scripts file mentioned above.


Sound File

This is just what I need.

I think I have the strength to go on.


Ah, that's better.

That hit the spot!

Ooh yeah!

I feel weak...

One more hit and I'm done for!

Hope I don't get hurt any more.

I'm sore all over!

My throat feels a bit dry.

I feel a bit drained.

I don't have much fire left in me.


I feel stronger!

Look out, world!



Sound File

Let's do it!






You're toast!

Take that!

Hey Sparx, you can come out now!

You lose!

Oh yeah!

Too easy!



I can't go on.

It's getting dark...

I just need a rest...

Uh oh... nap time.

This is too much.

Aaagh, no!


I guess I'll have to try harder.

I can see what I have to do, I just need to get better at it.

I need more practice.

I'll try again. Almost had it...

I'll try harder this time!

Ok, I'm ready! This time for sure.

Alright, I should do better now.



I guess I can only get better!

Mmm, I think I'll try a different strategy.

That was excellent!

That was great fun!

Wow, I actually won! Awesome!


C'mn, give me a bigger challenge!

Wow, that was amazing!

I feel like I can do anything right now!

This is the best feeling in the world!

How cool was that, Sparx!

Check that out!

That wasn't too hard... well, maybe... a little.

I've done it!

I made it!

I did it!

Now onto the next challenge!

Phew, finally!

How's that?

Oh yeah!

The master...


Wait 'till I tell the folks about this!

(Source: Nero1024)

Retrieved from ",_Wii)&oldid=561593"

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