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Puyo Puyo Chronicle

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Puyo Puyo Chronicle

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Title Screen

Puyo Puyo Chronicle

Sonic Team
Nintendo 3DS
Released in JP: December 8, 2016

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.


This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Puyo Puyo Chronicle is a game for the Nintendo 3DS as part of a celebration of Puyo Puyo's 25th Anniversary. Barring spinoffs, this is the first Puyo game to be presented with 3D characters as opposed to 2D portraits.


  • 1 Unused Graphics

    • 1.1 Early/Unused Character Artwork

    • 1.2 Leftover Images from other games

  • 2 Unused Music

  • 3 Unused Models/Animations

    • 3.1 Overworld

    • 3.2 Manzai

  • 4 Unused Text

    • 4.1 chapter00Japanese

    • 4.2 Unused Manzai Text

    • 4.3 Unused/Placeholder Skill Names and Descriptions

    • 4.4 skillmovie_Japanese.mtx placeholders

Unused Graphics

Early/Unused Character Artwork


Arle, Ringo and Ally all have early versions of their art that are never seen ingame. While it appears that Arle and Ringo's were only for testing purposes, it seems Ally's would have been her final art at some stage in development.

Leftover Images from other games


The background and the buttons are from Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary. Oddly, the menu background is in grayscale.

PuyoChronicle Ringo20thField.png

The character field uses Ringo's art from Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary. This can also be found in early screenshots of Puyo Puyo Tetris, as well as in the game's files.


These leftovers are all from Puyo Puyo Tetris and are found in the "rpg/staffroll/surfboard" folder in the files, which is where the movie for the end credits is stored.


This is from Puyo Puyo 39, which is a minigame in Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX. This appears to be Len's art for his Servant of Evil costume.

Unused Music


Appears to have been used for testing music loops.

Unused Models/Animations

In Puyo Puyo Chronicle, Characters have three sets of models and four sets of animations. One model is for battles of any kind, one is for Manzai and one is for the Overworld. One set of animations is for regular puyo battles, one set is for RPG battles, one set is for Manzai and one set is for the Overworld.
The Manzai and Overworld sets are unique in that the models and animations are stored in the exact same file, which means that if any unused Manzai or Overworld models are found, there will also be unused animations within.


PuyoChronicle UnusedRafisolModel+Animation.gif

Rafisol has a model and three animations for the overworld, yet she's never seen anywhere after the completion of the game. She lacks an entry in name_listJapanese.mtx.

Carbuncle is just like Rafisol, having a model for the Overworld and all the animations needed to function properly. However, he never shows up in the overworld, and lacks an entry in name_listJapanese.mtx.



To do:
There are more potential unused Manzai animations in the game.


Rafisol once again has an unused animation, this time in Manzai, which is labelled as "joy". It is not used in any Manzai Rafisol is present in, so you can only view it by editing the game's script to load Rafisol in place of another character, editing the MzChangeAnime value corresponding to Rafisol to load the happy animation rather than something else, or by loading her model and animations in a model viewer.

Unused Text


In chapter00Japanese.mtx is this block of text, referencing the possible animations and faces a character has for various emotions. This is used for the 30 test manzais that were used to test character animations.

"表情:喜び1 表情:喜び1n表情:喜び1 表情:喜び1n表情:喜び1 表情:喜び1{arrow}",
"表情:喜び2 表情:喜び2n表情:喜び2 表情:喜び2n表情:喜び2 表情:喜び2{arrow}",
"表情:怒り1 表情:怒り1n表情:怒り1 表情:怒り1n表情:怒り1 表情:怒り1{arrow}",
"表情:怒り2 表情:怒り2n表情:怒り2 表情:怒り2n表情:怒り2 表情:怒り2{arrow}",
"表情:哀しみ1 表情:哀しみ1n表情:哀しみ1 表情:哀しみ1n表情:哀しみ1 表情:哀しみ1{arrow}",
"表情:哀しみ2 表情:哀しみ2n表情:哀しみ2 表情:哀しみ2n表情:哀しみ2 表情:哀しみ2{arrow}",
"表情:驚き1 表情:驚き1n表情:驚き1 表情:驚き1n表情:驚き1 表情:驚き1{arrow}",
"表情:驚き2 表情:驚き2n表情:驚き2 表情:驚き2n表情:驚き2 表情:驚き2{arrow}",
"表情:驚き3 表情:驚き3n表情:驚き3 表情:驚き3n表情:驚き3 表情:驚き3{arrow}",
"表情:驚き4 表情:驚き4n表情:驚き4 表情:驚き4n表情:驚き4 表情:驚き4{arrow}",
"表情:トホホ 表情:トホホn表情:トホホ 表情:トホホn表情:トホホ 表情:トホホ{arrow}",
"表情:困り 表情:困りn表情:困り 表情:困りn表情:困り 表情:困り{arrow}",
"表情:困惑&迷惑 表情:困惑&迷惑n表情:困惑&迷惑 表情:困惑&迷惑n表情:困惑&迷惑 表情:困惑&迷惑{arrow}",
"表情:レッツぷよ 表情:レッツぷよn表情:レッツぷよ 表情:レッツぷよn表情:レッツぷよ 表情:レッツぷよ{arrow}",
"表情:真剣 表情:真剣n表情:真剣 表情:真剣n表情:真剣 表情:真剣{arrow}",
"表情:照れ 表情:照れn表情:照れ 表情:照れn表情:照れ 表情:照れ{arrow}",
"表情:怒り3 表情:怒り3n表情:怒り3 表情:怒り3n表情:怒り3 表情:怒り3{arrow}",
"表情:驚き5 表情:驚き5n表情:驚き5 表情:驚き5n表情:驚き5 表情:驚き5{arrow}",
"表情:トホホ2 表情:トホホ2n表情:トホホ2 表情:トホホ2n表情:トホホ2 表情:トホホ2{arrow}",
"表情:怒り4 表情:怒り4n表情:怒り4 表情:怒り4n表情:怒り4 表情:怒り4{arrow}",
"表情:哀しみ3 表情:哀しみ3n表情:哀しみ3 表情:哀しみ3n表情:哀しみ3 表情:哀しみ3{arrow}",
"表情:哀しみ4 表情:哀しみ4n表情:哀しみ4 表情:哀しみ4n表情:哀しみ4 表情:哀しみ4{arrow}",
"表情:喜び3 表情:喜び3n表情:喜び3 表情:喜び3n表情:喜び3 表情:喜び3{arrow}",
"表情:怒り5 表情:怒り5n表情:怒り5 表情:怒り5n表情:怒り5 表情:怒り5{arrow}",
"表情:特殊1 表情:特殊1n表情:特殊1 表情:特殊1n表情:特殊1 表情:特殊1{arrow}",
"表情:特殊2 表情:特殊2n表情:特殊2 表情:特殊2n表情:特殊2 表情:特殊2{arrow}",
"表情:特殊3 表情:特殊3n表情:特殊3 表情:特殊3n表情:特殊3 表情:特殊3{arrow}",
"表情:特殊4 表情:特殊4n表情:特殊4 表情:特殊4n表情:特殊4 表情:特殊4{arrow}",
"表情:特殊5 表情:特殊5n表情:特殊5 表情:特殊5n表情:特殊5 表情:特殊5{arrow}",
"表情:困り 2表情:困り2n表情:困り2 表情:困り2n表情:困り2 表情:困り2{arrow}",
"表情:困り3表情:困り3n表情:困り3 表情:困り3n表情:困り3 表情:困り3{arrow}",
"表情:困り4表情:困り4n表情:困り4 表情:困り4n表情:困り4 表情:困り4{arrow}",
"表情:困り5表情:困り5n表情:困り5 表情:困り5n表情:困り5 表情:困り5{arrow}"

The video shows one of the manzais loaded into the game, replacing the very first manzai. As there's no known way to access these manzais without replacement, the voices from the first manzai and another play during it. The cutscene had to be modified in order to properly load--Every test manzai loads two of the same character, one on the left and one on the right. This, however, crashes the game in its current state. As such, one of the Rafisols that was supposed to be loaded has been replaced with Ally to allow the cutscene to play out.

Unused Manzai Text


To do:
There is a LOT MORE unused manzai text throughout the game.

In dungeon_01Japanese.mtx, these unused lines of text are in the very first manzai of the game with Satan and Arle, sandwiched between lines that are used.

"も~う♪ アルルは本当にnすなおじゃないな♪",

Unused/Placeholder Skill Names and Descriptions

In skill_nameJapanese.mtx are all the skill names and descriptions. There's quite a few placeholders.


15 placeholder names for Active Skills.


15 placeholder names for Passive Skills.


90 placeholder names for enemy skills.


To do:
Is the above entire entries list unused?

The kanji 欠番 (ketsuban, translated as missing number) is seen 46 times in the entries for the short descriptions of active skills. 23 are located between "味方かいふくアップ" and "ぷよの色をへんかさせる", while the other 23 are located between "よこくおじゃまをへらす" and "相手青色ぼうぎょダウン".


At the very end of the same entry with the multiple 欠番s is one placeholder entry for the active skill short descriptions.


The entries list for the short passive skill descriptions has one placeholder entry.

欠番 makes a return 46 times in the long descriptions for active skills seen in the status menu. 23 are between "味方全員のかいふく50%アップ" and "そうさ中のぷよの色をへんかさせる", while the other 23 are between "よこくおじゃまぷよを24コへらす" and "相手の青ぼうぎょ15%ダウン".

skillmovie_Japanese.mtx placeholders

Within skillmovie_Japanese.mtx are the text used in the skill movies which introduce character skills. Rafisol and Carbuncle have placeholders.


The above are for the full descriptors of their skills.


The above are for the characters saying they'll be introducing their skills.

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