Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Genesis)
Please consider supporting The Cutting Room Floor on Patreon. Thanks for all your support! Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Genesis) From The Cutting Room Floor Jump to: navigation, search Terminator 2: Judgment Day Also known as : T2 - Terminator 2: Judgment Day Developer : Bits Studios Publisher : Flying Edge Platform : Genesis Released in US : July 5, 1991 Released in EU : 1992 This game has hidden developer credits. This game has hidden development-related text. This game has debugging material. This game has a notes page DeBugging monitor The entry point for a ROM/RAM monitor is located at $004DFE , but no programming has been found that leads to that address. Instead, use this experimental set of Pro Action Replay cheats: 004B54:4EB9 004B56:0000 004B58:4DFE Then press Start when the flames appear on the title screen (or at any other time by...